An anonymous poster asked if I could name the top 10 multi-sport student-athletes from Washington-Greene counties that I've covered over the past 10 years. After some thought and research, I completed the list.
As said on a previous post, former Peters Township standout Jim Gallagher tops the list. A seventh-round pick of the Chicago White Sox in the 2007 draft, Gallagher is the second-best high school baseball player from the WPIAL I've watched. Former Pine-Richland star and Pirates first-round pick Neil Walker is the first. Gallagher is also one of the top high school quarterbacks from the area over the past decade and had opportunities to play the position at the DI level but opted to play baseball at Duke.
1. Jim Gallagher, Peters Township
From there ranking the athletes is too difficult and, does it really matter who is fifth or eighth?
With that, here are the remaining nine (in alphabetical order):
Lee Fritz, Waynesburg
Justin Gregula, Wash High
Bobby Hathaway, Carmichaels
Mike Hull, Canon-McMillan
Brianna Liebold, Chartiers-Houston
Dan Mozes, Wash High
Coleman Scott, Waynesburg
Andrew Sweat, Trinity
Travis Thomas, Wash High
I find it ironic that you have Mike Hull here and not Dan Conley.
Does this signify who you voted for?
I cannot deny or confirm these accusations.
What about Jeff Weiss, McGuffey
Mike great to know you put so much faith in the Gallagher boy when we all know that his college (Duke) had a major steroid scandal in their baseball program. I'm not saying that Gallagher juiced, but in this day and age it is probably more likely that he did juice than not.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Anon, if you want to hurl accusations, please make a name for yourself on this board.
This sounds more like jealousy to me.
This is the only area I've ever worked where communities do not support/cheer for each other.
Also, Jeff Weiss received serious consideration. It was difficult leaving him, and a few others, off the list.
the others i could name would be:
-brendon steele- Canon McMillan
-donnie jones- greensburg salem
-kevin matthews/nick debartolo- upper st clair
-Elliot Bates/Bobby Mary- Chartiers Houston
phil henderson isnt even on this list.. id compare him to marshall faulk
Brian Kimutis- Trinity
How could you leave this guy out?
Mike I am with you on supporting Gallagher, but that anon post did cause me to see if there really was a steroid scandal for the Duke baseball team and surprisingly it IS true. Again, I'm not trying to group Gallagher into that mess, but it is amazing that their story somehow escaped major public backlash. Did you know that this story was legit? If not, I will post a link to information on that.
Click my posting name on the above post to see the link to the duke steroid scandal. Note: this is one article of many. I just wanted to show that the scandal is legit.
I think Mike did a good job with the top 10 in 10 years list. I am not sure why our community does not root for the local teams. It's pathetic listening to the idiots who critize. I'm sure your perfect and successful.
I was not aware of the Duke baseball problems.
Still, it does not diminish anything Gallagher did at PT nor does it make him guilty by association.
as a recent newcomer to the site, i was made aware of the mostly negative comments about many atheletes by a parent who viewed some comments about cm, and their players. i agree with mike and the last comment posted by anonymous... i didn't grow up in this area, and it never ceases to amaze me the amount of jealousy, envy and personal digs thrown, to tear the kids/team down. i think we would all be better served if there was more constructive critism, or how about just taking a tip from your parents/ grand-
parents, if you don't have something nice to say, keep it to yourself. really proud of the cm football team, and they are a team...
funny, Duke juices and still finishes near the bottom of the ACC...
Where is Justin Baker on your list?
The story is centered on steroid use at Duke in 2002 and before. Didn't Gallagher play at Duke in 2005, 06 and 07? That's long after the steroid issue at Duke.
dale calloway, mike sutton
I definitely considered Mike Sutton.
Not sure if he's in the 10 year window or not but Tim Bennett of Fort Cherry played in the Big 33 and also wrestled in the classic .I believe he was a 98 grad but my be mistaken
What about Charles Murphy, why wouldn't he be in consideration. He won a state championship and saved Canon Mac's basketball program.
robert heller.. all state football, one of the top sprinters in the state, basketball and baseball star
What about Taylor Schram...she is considered one of the top recruits for soccer in the country as a junior ...Brianna Liebold never even played soccer in college
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